Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 20 - The Vine Flower

Very cliche I know but I like it! This is a new vine in my garden, it's called Red Fantasy Mini and has amazing flowers, they are a deep red with very vibrant orange centers. Clue dropping time if you are still wondering what the puzzle is...Clue A - You're used to seeing it go forward, try backwards for a refreshing change.


  1. Extremely vibrant! The bubbly effect in the top left caught my eye - I'm glad you included it. And doesn't the colour and light just ooze out of this picture!

  2. OK Finally got it! Whew!

    Now, to the picture. Very nice, looks like it's glowing from within. Cool effect.

  3. AHHHHHH!!!! The Golden Mean! Nice shot! Lovely rich color nicely done!

  4. Yeas! ChickChick as right: stunning colors in the golden meen! 10 for you! I think that this is one of the best in your gallery. FANTASTIC!!!!

  5. Isabella! This is so fabulous! The color, the texture, the light coming in through the yellow area.....I can't think of words

  6. This looks like something from "Alice in Wonderland"...I can just envision a mini Alice sliding down the flower into another world!!

  7. I got fish on my mind, at first I thought it was a octopus. LOL! I like how the yellow in the middle draws you in. Nice shot!

  8. BEAUTIFUL...that pretty mush sums it up...nice shot!

  9. Great colours, and I love how the centre of it looks like a tunnel or slide I want to fall into. Great job.
