Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 25 - Eastern Quoll

You've all seen/heard of the usual Aussie animals, I thought this a great opportunity to show you some of the more rare ones. This is an Eastern Quoll, only found now days in the wild down in Tasmania. We are lucky enough here in my city to have some in a specially built enclosure in our nature center, but being nocturnal they are always asleep when I go to try and get a pic of them. They are the same size of a cat - they are mammals so females suckle/carry their young in a pouch for up to 10 weeks.


  1. I gather this one is not real, cos they are extremely difficult to shoot at the zoo. All in the nocturnal house, usually, and if they are awake, extremely difficult to shoot in the mostly-dark! Cute picture though. And cute creatures.

  2. Fabulous infrared effect, I almost thought it was real :) I've never heard of a Quoll before, it looks so cute. I'm off to google more info about it.

  3. I like how you've put a basket over the quolls head. Thank you for educating us some more.

  4. I really like you showing most of us something we've never heard of. I assume they like to burrow or sleep in straw so that's why you included it. I especially like the sepia tone to the photo.

  5. Very cute looking critter, I'e seen them on a TV programme before and I think you've re-created the circumstances that one would find one of these things in pretty well. Cool!

  6. Cute, I love the scene you set and the sepia tones.

  7. Quolls are tops. One of the most underrated Aussie animals - should be an international icon.

