Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 6 - Treasure

My favorite pair of earrings, bought at a weekend craft market for $2.
A girls got to have some pretty jewels to wear, just for fun.


  1. How lovely...I was guessing they were plates of some type before reading your commentary....I like the DOF you used

  2. They are very pretty! Great deal for $2!

  3. Whoa! I just realized you're on day 6! I don't even have day 5 shot yet. lol The time differences seem to throw me off!

  4. They look absolutely huge :-).
    Now, what I want to know is, that red item near the bottom right, it doesn't seem to belong to the picture. Is it part of the puzzle??

  5. The red bit is from part of a charm bracelet - it's a tiny rose, and no, it's not part of the puzzle.

  6. I am enjoying your macro shots and I am trying to figure out the puzzle. Does that mean you have all your shots planned out ahead of time?

  7. Yes the time difference is dreadfully confusing, which is why I went with my own time.
    Thanks for the comments, it's very enjoyable reading them all.
    ClickChick, I have some shots planned, some not, does that help?

  8. Those are some interesting looking earrings you've got there! Nice shot.

  9. So much for my puzzle theory of all your photos having hues of purple.....

  10. I can imagine what you could shoot with a S10 craft... All wonderful! But... when the color purple going to prevail?

  11. I really like those earing's my wife has some conchos that look very similar on a belt

  12. Great patterns and shapes. And each shape has its own patter too. Great job.
