Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 30 - Lungfish

Queensland lungfish are most strange, the only fish that have lungs. They are said to be a link to ancient animals. They can live for more than 50 years and get pretty big, up to 40 kilograms. I caught a huge old one out at a local river, it was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen (I let it go, of course, they are protected.) These critters I've been using are from a collection of Au and NZ wildlife called Yowie's put out by a chocolate company. They are inside an egg shaped choc and come in small pieces you put together. One day I'll sort them all out and sell them on e-bay and make a fortune ;-)


  1. Ah! So they're not real! This is an interesting photo for today but I'm itching to rotate it by 180 degrees - there's nothing wrong with the way you've composed it - it just doesn't sit well with my organized brain!

  2. Very interesting! Thank you for educating us! I have thoroughly enjoyed your gallery! You should be very proud of it!

  3. So this fish is not real???? It sure looks it!!

  4. I certainly thought it was real.....I'm loving your creatures and the new knowledge I have now

  5. It looks pretty real!...except for the eye I guess.

  6. Sorta like Kinder Surprise eggs!?!? This guy looks like he has been washed up on shore, but lucky he has lungs so he can still breath out there! ;-) And this really does look like a real fish, in real mud.

    Congrats on finishing 30 days. You made a fantastic collection of images, and I hope you have enough energy for one more for day 31 and for the contest! Nice work all round.

  7. I woulda never have guess that this was all coming from Yowies! Mostly because when i was a kid I remember them being rubbishy looking, but your placement and composition of them makes them look absolutely fantastic!

    Awesome to see you still shooting! That's definitely a gallery to reflect on with pride! It's amazing, well done!

  8. Wow, I though this was a real fish the way you set it up. I remember the Yowies and also the Kinder surprises.

    This shot is an awesome way to almost finish your challenge. Well done!

  9. Very effective setup, I thought that was a real fish at first. Thanks for the info about it, really interesting read.
